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Thread: Installing a new Intex AGP with saltwater chlorination.

  1. #61
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    Default Re: Installing a new Intex AGP with saltwater chlorination.

    That's looks more like it!

    You can save on your chlorine testing reagents if you will use a 10mL sample instead of a 25mL one. You will multiply the drop count by 0.5 instead of 0.2. Also, in case we haven't told you previously, if one scoop of the powder turns the water pink, no need to add the second one. That will also save on your powder.

  2. #62
    CarlD's Avatar
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    Default Re: Installing a new Intex AGP with saltwater chlorination.

    What I've found, when you know the FC is really high, you can actually use half the water, to the 5ml line, and the each drop of R-0871 equals 1ppm of FC. So if you've been shocking, say to 25ppm, using the 5ml line uses half the reagent of the 10ml, and 1/5 the reagent of the 25ml line. At 25ppm, it really doesn't matter if it's actually 24.5 or 25.5ppm.

  3. #63
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    Default Re: Installing a new Intex AGP with saltwater chlorination.

    @CarlD: the standard K-2006 test tube does not have a 5ml. But you are, of course, absolutely right as long as 5ml can be measured.

  4. #64
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    Default Re: Installing a new Intex AGP with saltwater chlorination.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigDave View Post
    @CarlD: the standard K-2006 test tube does not have a 5ml. But you are, of course, absolutely right as long as 5ml can be measured.
    I just find the half-way point between the bottom and the 10ml line. Works for me!

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Installing a new Intex AGP with saltwater chlorination.

    As the pool season for myself will soon be coming to an end, I have a couple of questions. Using the SWCG and a few doses of bleach a couple of times a week, what is the best way to I guess, neutralize the pool water before draining it, so as not to kill off the grass as much?

    1) Can I simply disconnect all filters, SWCG, and just let it set for a few days, let FC levels drop, and then simply drain it??
    2) My taylor test kit---will the chemicals for testing still be good for next season, or is it recommended to replace them all eventually?
    3) I noticed this summer that even after a full run (8hrs) of filtering, I get lines of dirt on the bottom of the pool liner, mainly right where there a ripples (aka not smoothed out areas). Will having a perfectly smooth pool liner layer out on the bottom help with this? I currently use a filter and the unicell cartridge--would upgrading to a sand filter system (maybe next year) fix this problem? There are some great deals on AG sand filter systems since its coming to the end of the season in my area.

    I learned a great deal this summer by the info and help on this website and it has been much appreciated!! Only issue I am worried about for next season is the underlayment area of our AG pool. Our pool developed three tiny tears in the liner bottom, all about 1/8" wide due to a pesky rock in that area! And.....that was after careful inspection of the area prior to setup, using a tarp, then topping that with 1/4" foam board with all seams tapped together, then a second tarp on top! I have been able to use an underwater patch on these spots to slow down/stop any additional water leakage. This fall plan on draining, cleaning, and reapplying brand new patches prior to folding it up for the winter. I actually ran across a guy who is selling used heavy thick moving blankets, for $2 a pop! I may buy off some from him and somehow incorporate them into the ground cover for next year?
    As usual all replays to my questions are greatly appreciated!
    Thanks again all!
    4.5k gal 15 x 48 Intex pool; PF=26

  6. #66
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    Default Re: Installing a new Intex AGP with saltwater chlorination.

    Don't forget: With your SWCG, you've got lots of salt in the water, too, which will kill your grass as well and poison the ground.

  7. #67
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    Default Re: Installing a new Intex AGP with saltwater chlorination.

    I think moving blankets would get pretty gross after a season under a pool.

  8. #68
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    Default Re: New INtex AGP with saltwater...

    Hey Tiger, or anyone, how do you disconnect it?
    4.5k gal Intex 9 x 18, Krystal Clear 1200 gph Sand Filter Pump. PF=27

  9. #69
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    Default Re: New INtex AGP with saltwater...

    Not sure what you are asking. Can you be more specific?
    26K gal 20x40 rectangular IG vinyl pool; Apr 2014: New pump, liner, auto-cover, & water; Pentair Whisperflo 1HP pump; Pentair Trition sand filter; Cover/Star CS-500 auto cover; Taylor K-2006C; OTO

  10. #70
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    Default Re: New INtex AGP with saltwater...

    Quote Originally Posted by FormerBromineUser View Post
    Not sure what you are asking. Can you be more specific?
    sorry, i should have quoted the comment i was responding to. The situation is that i bought the Intex 9x18 4,500 gallon pool which came with a Krystal Clear 1200 gph Sand Filter Pump. I want to add a saltwater system, but was advised on this forum that there is a problem with the copper ionizer. Someone said it's possible to disconnect it and i was just asking someone if they found proper instructions.
    While i have your attention can i seek your counsel to help me figure out which salt water pump in the link below would be compatible with the pump I already have? http://www.walmart.com/search/search...ex%20saltwater
    4.5k gal Intex 9 x 18, Krystal Clear 1200 gph Sand Filter Pump. PF=27

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