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Thread: Installing a new Intex AGP with saltwater chlorination.

  1. #1
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    Red face Installing a new Intex AGP with saltwater chlorination.

    We are in the process of setting up a 15' x 48" Intex AGP-metal frame (4400 gal roughly) and will be adding the saltwater intex chlorinator system to it also. After intial leveling and setup, I plan on using the BBB method for the intial start up and then use the saltwater system from there forward. Just trying to plan ahead and get the steps right from the start:
    1) fill pool as well as using bleach, borax, and baking soda doses at prescribed times til pool is full.
    2) then add pool salt, allow to dissolve (24 hrs?)
    3) turn on salt water chlorinator and filter pump
    4) monitor water/test and make adjustments based on readings (ph,ect.)

    Does this seem the right order as far as initial filling, adding start up chemicals, followed by adding salt, dissolve period, the maintain from there?
    After pool is completely filled, I understand to let salt dissolve until turning on saltwater chlorinator system, but can I run the filter pump after adding salt and before the salt is completely dissolved? Will is clog up filters and/or pump?

    Any additional comments greatly appreciated!
    Last edited by PoolDoc; 05-21-2014 at 12:47 PM. Reason: edit title, enable signature
    4.5k gal 15 x 48 Intex pool; PF=26

  2. #2
    BigDave's Avatar
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    Default Re: New INtex AGP with saltwater...

    Sounds about right. I don't know if you can turn off the SWCG but I would try.

    The Super Simple Recipie http://pool9.net/ssr/ should be a pretty good startup plan. Follow the "Intex Pool Care Plan" using dichlor until you have sufficient CYA in the pool then you can let the SWCG take over; it won't be able to keep up with the demand in an unstabilized pool. According to the pool calculator, 4lbs of dichlor (3/4 Cup at a time) will get CYA to 55 which should be good.

    Important! Buy a Taylor K-2006 or K-2006c test kit. Order it today, you won't find it in a store. If you buy it through this page:http://pool9.net/test/, Poolforum gets some coin to keep the lights on.

    Note: As a trial user you'll need to copy the links above then log out and paste them into the browser address bar.
    12'x24' oval 7.7K gal AG vinyl pool; ; Hayward S270T sand filter; Hayward EcoStar SP3400VSP pump; hrs; K-2006; PF:16

  3. #3
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    Default Re: New INtex AGP with saltwater...

    Its my understanding that with chlorinated pools, the sunlight fades out the chlorine quickly, therefore is there an ideal "range of time" in which the salt water system should be run each day? How about the pools filter pump also? I assume it will depend on a number of factors (sunlight exposure, initial water quality at start up fill, and the waters exposure to swimmers, suntan lotions,ect.)
    Thanks for the info!

  4. #4
    Watermom's Avatar
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    Default Re: New INtex AGP with saltwater...

    As Dave mentioned above, having enough CYA in the pool will help prevent the chlorine from being lost too quickly to sunlight. As far as when is ideal to run the SWCG, I'll let someone else who has one give you advice about that.

    Are you aware that those Intex SWCGs have a copper electrode? You do not want copper in your pool. Contrary to popular belief, it is copper that stains things and turns blonde hair green, not chlorine. You can disconnect the copper electrode and use the SWCG without it.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: New INtex AGP with saltwater...

    Yes have been looking into how to disconnect the copper part.

  6. #6
    CarlD's Avatar
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    Default Re: New INtex AGP with saltwater...

    Why you add Borax and Baking soda unless your pH and T/A were low?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: New INtex AGP with saltwater...

    Yes Carl, I won't initially add the Borax or baking soda until i have tested the water. Only plan on having these on hand to make adjustments. This is our first pool, so I think there will be some trial and error. Hopefully less error, so the family can enjoy the pool throughout the summer.

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  9. #9
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    Default Re: New INtex AGP with saltwater...

    Nice! Thanks All!

    Finished leveling this afternoon. Tomorrow morning, checking leveling one final time, followed by laying down a tarp, then foam board (Gorilla tape on all seams), the pool ground cover on top of that, and then pool assembly, and finally dropping the hose in to start filling. I have been so meticulous in getting the leveled spot perfect, it almost seems to good to be true? We'll see.

    Picked up all other chemicals needed in the SS Recipe, and for the BBB method of continual care! Wish me luck!

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    Default Re: New INtex AGP with saltwater...

    Leveling is the hardest part. I have no idea how long we worked to get the area level when we put in our first pool years ago. Hope the rest is smooth sailing for you.

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