In the pool market generally? I don't know.
Among PoolForum member? Either a plain no-name chlorine of various types, or a SWCG system (Salt Water Chlorine Generation). We counsel against special 'program' chemicals like Aqua Finesse. Basically, in the pool industry, any chemical or treatment claiming to be "revolutionary" is almost certainly bogus.
Aqua Finesse seems to be no different: they are selling what's basically a pool detergent which may (or may not -- there's no evidence I could find) help sanitizers break down the slime layers (biofilms) that are a precursor to a green pool. It's not a new tactic; Jock Hamilton's United Chemical is an OLD company that's used phosphate detergents blended in to their chemicals for just that reason. Aqua Finesse is apparently using non-phosphates. I guess that's good -- if you are going to do something that's mostly useless, it's always good to make sure it doesn't have damaging side-effects.
Here are some snippets from their MSDS: