Unfortunately, if you used Baquacil for 10 years, and never drained, your pool water has a TREMENDOUS built-in chlorine demand from the deteriorated but left-over Baquacil bits.
Overnight chlorine loss will NOT be affected by stabilizer. Rather it reflects this chlorine demand. Unfortunately (again!) there are only two options: (1) drain and refill or (2) chlorinate in the evening until you have an overnight chlorine loss of less than 1 ppm.
It's not surprising the pool has a "smell like chlorine" -- that smell is almost always not the smell of chlorine (think: bleach bottle smell) but is instead the smell of chlorine + undigested goop. In your case, chlorine + PHMB (Baquacil) goop. Some 'combined chlorines' show up with the CC test, but not all do.
Regarding TA -- your pool dealers actually don't know about aeration. NONE -- and I do mean NONE -- of the regular training programs mention it. It was first published by me on PoolSolutions 10+ years ago, and you'd be amazed at all the ridicule I got. It is *still* only published on sites promoting the BBB method I developed, and there are only a couple of those, besides mine.
So while it's true that pool dealers sometimes deliberately mislead pool owners, this is not one of those cases.