Hi, Digger. I certainly remember your first year on the forum and all the "handholding" we did as you made the switch. We knew you were goiing to be glad you did it. Thanks for sharing your post!
I just thought it was high time to share my opinion on Baquacil vs. Chlorine, just my experience though. When I found this forum and put my faith in the wisdom of the wise people on here, it was the smartest thing I ever did. Was I skeptical, oh yeah! Was I scared, certainly!! We have an inground 20x40 vinyl liner pool that was run on Baquacil for about 16 years. What a total waste of money!!!! It cost us so much to run our pool every year. $500-$1000 a year. I think I have been with the forum for 3-4 years now? With making the conversion to Chlorine 3 years ago. I invested in a good Taylor testing kit at that time, it was money WELL spent!! Our pool has never been so care free and beautiful!!! With Baquacil we were having to change the sand every year, because it got all gunked up, etc. Now we spend prolly at the most $200-$300 on our pool, opening and closing included. I love the fact that I am in control of it!!THANK YOU POOL FORUM, you are the BEST!!!!!!
Hi, Digger. I certainly remember your first year on the forum and all the "handholding" we did as you made the switch. We knew you were goiing to be glad you did it. Thanks for sharing your post!
Thanks for the follow up.