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Thread: DIFFERENCE IN 12% and 8.25

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default DIFFERENCE IN 12% and 8.25

    Ok I am adhering to everything on this site, but one question I am buying 8.25 bleach from WM to bump and 12% from pool store. Now, WM for 3.00 is much cheaper than 12% pool store. My concern is will my pool really tell the difference? If not I'm WM bound for all chlorine needs.
    13000 gallon fiberglass, variable speed pump, cartridge filter, chlorine sanitized ,k-2006, also daily 5 item check ( ch, ph,ta,)
    I only trust the k-2006 titration is better for me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Northwest Indiana

    Default Re: DIFFERENCE IN 12% and 8.25

    Same chemical, just different concentrations. The only 2 things that matter are 1) dosing appropriately based on the % and your size pool, and 2) price. To easily compare prices, $/oz./%. So if wm bleach is $3.25 and pool store is $5.00 and both are 1 gallon, 3.25/128/0.0825 = 30.78 cents per ounce of sodium hypochlorite and 5.00/128/0.12 = 32.55 cents per ounce of sodium hypochlorite. Walmart wins.
    -Eric B. 16x32 rect 14,364 gal AG (Intex Ultra Frame); 14 in sand filter; 1 HP 2800 GPH pump; 8 hrs; Taylor K-2006c, utility water, debris cover
    @Best Guess chart http://pool9.net/cl-cya @K2006 http://pool9.net/testkits

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: DIFFERENCE IN 12% and 8.25

    but doesn't the higher % of chlorine give you more chlorine per gallon?
    13000 gallon fiberglass, variable speed pump, cartridge filter, chlorine sanitized ,k-2006, also daily 5 item check ( ch, ph,ta,)
    I only trust the k-2006 titration is better for me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Northwest Indiana

    Default Re: DIFFERENCE IN 12% and 8.25

    Sure. You need to dose accordingly... I use poolcalculator.com. However converting to $/ounce allows you to compare apples-apples for price. In other words, you have to use more wm bleach but its cheaper to do so.
    -Eric B. 16x32 rect 14,364 gal AG (Intex Ultra Frame); 14 in sand filter; 1 HP 2800 GPH pump; 8 hrs; Taylor K-2006c, utility water, debris cover
    @Best Guess chart http://pool9.net/cl-cya @K2006 http://pool9.net/testkits

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: DIFFERENCE IN 12% and 8.25

    ok thanks much, Dave
    13000 gallon fiberglass, variable speed pump, cartridge filter, chlorine sanitized ,k-2006, also daily 5 item check ( ch, ph,ta,)
    I only trust the k-2006 titration is better for me

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