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Thread: 2 years old Hayward Ecostar failed to start. Just vibrate for 1 second, trying&failed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default 2 years old Hayward Ecostar failed to start. Just vibrate for 1 second, trying&failed

    I have a 2 years old Hayward Ecostar failed to start. Just vibrate and making clicking noise for 1 second, and trying to prime, Then got the Drive error message.

    Seems to me there is something stuck and block the motor to turn, however when I used my finger to turn the pump, it turned freely.

    Lately the pump has been working hard at full speed because I just bought the Hayward Navigator robot pool cleaner, and once I plugged it to skimmers, the pump had been working so hard.

    I don;t think the motor burned. Maybe just the Thermistor? Can someone help me, and If you have the diagram, it would be helpful. thanks
    Last edited by PoolDoc; 07-18-2013 at 09:17 PM. Reason: removed email address from post (not safe)

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