Converting from Baquacil to Bleach!
Finally can post a thread, so here are my results and some questions.
6-21-13 at 6:36 pm
FC = 13 x .2 = 2.6
CC = 17 x .2 = 3.4
added 10 gallons of 6% bleach
6-21-13 at 8:14 pm
FC = 46 x .2 = 9.2
6-22-13 at 8:15 am
FC = 20 x .2 = 4
6-22-13 at 7:03 pm
FC = 12 x .2 = 2.4
added 20 gallons of 6% bleach
6-22-13 at 8:25 pm
FC = 55 x .2 = 11.0
CC = 62 x .2 = 12.4
Pool looks green but I can see the bottom. Swept pool yesterday and tonight. Cannot seem to get the FC reading to FC=15. Should I add more than 20 gallons of bleach?
Question on K-2006. When I add the 2 dippers of R-0870, the water immediately turns pink. I add the R-0871 dropwise until it looks to be colorless. Then I set the tube down to make my notes. When I look at the tube again, it is pink again. Is this normal? Should I stop adding drops once it turns colorless the first time or should I add more drops until it turns colorless again? Experimenting, I let the tube set for about 10 minutes with the 2 dippers of R-0870 in it, then added the R-0871 until it was colorless and this time it did not turn pink again. Is this acceptable?
Thanks for your help!
Intex 22' X 52" Ultra Frame Swimming Pool - about 10k gallons
Intex 2650 GPH Easy Set Sand Pool Filter Pump
24 hrs on pump; well water; Taylor K-2006