If I don't know what's in it, I won't use it.
its at HD in a 1 gal green bottle , cannot find anything about it on inernet what % is it?
If I don't know what's in it, I won't use it.
12'x24' oval 7.7K gal AG vinyl pool; ; Hayward S270T sand filter; Hayward EcoStar SP3400VSP pump; hrs; K-2006; PF:16
Clorox has been triple concentrating much of their bleach line, bringing the concentrati on to 8.25%. HOWEVER, the bleach CLEANER with the green label at Home Depot is Clorox Outdoor Bleach Cleaner and it contains detergents in addition to bleach. You do NOT want to use it in your pool!.
Last edited by waterbear; 06-20-2013 at 09:13 PM.
Retired pool store and commercial pool maintenance guy.
No, not it the bottle was green plastic , i am not using it but will try to get pic of it