First thing you need today is order a good test kit so you can test everything yourself. Go to the test kit link in my signature below and order a Taylor K-2006 or 2006C (same kit with larger bottles of reagents). Do this ASAP so you can get the kit quickly!
Please list all products that have been used in your pool -- meaning ingredients and not just product names.
Also tell us the source of your fill water. Is this a new pool?
In the meantime, while you are waiting, go to Walmart and get several jugs of their plain, unscented bleach (generic is fine), a jug of distilled water and also a couple boxes of 20 Mule Team Borax (laundry aisle) and a cheap OTO/Phenol Red kit (red and yellow drops). Test chlorine and pH and post readings. But, don't test pH after you have added a lot of chlorine. High chlorine levels cause pH test results to be inaccurate.
Welcome to the Pool Forum!