Re: Can't control CHlorine levels..
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Tests Today:
CYA - 0
FAC - 0
pH - 7.5
Alk - 80
I went back to the 'setup box' we bought from Walmart and it didn't supply any Stabilizing fluid, so I presume this is the problem. Going to go buy some chemicals to raise to 50ppm and then add Chlorine tomorrow morning and see what happens.
I raised my CYA last year by using some dichlor powder I got from Leslies. Then went to the BBB method. Good Luck..
15' round 5.7K gal AG vinyl pool; Bleach; Haywood DE filter; Haywood 1 1/4 pump; 4-12 hrs; Taylor K-2006 Tester; utility water; summer: solar; winter: Not bought yet; ; PF:21??