The algaecide probably had copper in it. Though copper kills algae, it can also turn water green, stain pool surfaces, and tint hair greenish as well. What was the specific manufacturer and brand of the algaecide?
recently i used some big box algaecide , since then right after i add bleach or shock clear water turns green
The algaecide probably had copper in it. Though copper kills algae, it can also turn water green, stain pool surfaces, and tint hair greenish as well. What was the specific manufacturer and brand of the algaecide?
15.5'x32' rectangle 16K gal IG concrete pool; 12.5% chlorinating liquid by hand; Jandy CL340 cartridge filter; Pentair Intelliflo VF pump; 8hrs; Taylor K-2006 and TFTestkits TF-100; utility water; summer: automatic; winter: automatic; ; PF:7.5
Gonna look at it today , put it in for the winter . will have the water tested today at leslies
HTH yes it contains copper ,
My water turns green for a few days after shocking it with bleach . I am assumming its copper from some winter algecide . I ordered a culator
Yes, turning green after adding a lot of chlorine is the copper. It's mostly from the rise in pH upon chlorine addition. As the pH drops back down, the green may fade. We've had mixed reviews with the CuLator -- it works for some but not for everyone -- so be sure and report back what happens in your pool. We don't have enough reports to be definitive about that product.
15.5'x32' rectangle 16K gal IG concrete pool; 12.5% chlorinating liquid by hand; Jandy CL340 cartridge filter; Pentair Intelliflo VF pump; 8hrs; Taylor K-2006 and TFTestkits TF-100; utility water; summer: automatic; winter: automatic; ; PF:7.5
Yes it bothers my wife. I assumed it would subside by swim time
culator has not change to any color , does not seem to have absorbed any metals running it 2hrs a day for last 2 weeks
It doesn't always change visibly on the outside. If you have a metal test kit you can see it the concentration in the water has dropped. Eventually, you can take the CuLator out to replace with another and can open up the old one to see if anything is visible. Or contact the company to see what they think.
15.5'x32' rectangle 16K gal IG concrete pool; 12.5% chlorinating liquid by hand; Jandy CL340 cartridge filter; Pentair Intelliflo VF pump; 8hrs; Taylor K-2006 and TFTestkits TF-100; utility water; summer: automatic; winter: automatic; ; PF:7.5
well the water no longer turn green when i shock it . culator did not change color but i assume it worked