Post Isaac Situation (cloudy)
So about 24 hours before the power went out, I went ahead and spiked the pool with bleach just figuring I would lose power for a while. I was out for 3 days. We had a swimming/cleaning party over the weekend and got all the leaves, sticks, and branches out (a few wheel barrels full). The water was still in pretty darn good shape and very clear. After getting out all the debris, I started running the polaris with a "panty ho" on it to pick up all the tiny debris. Since then it has been very cloudy. I turned off the polaris and it started clearing up. When I ran it again it got cloudy again.
Do I have some really tiny debris that the filter or polaris is not picking up? The filter pressure is only up 5 psi since last backwash.
picture of pool from yesterday: 

Salt: 2500 (down from 20" of rain and having to partial drain)
CYA: 60 ppm
Alkalinity: 90 ppm
pH: 7.6
Free Chlorine: 4.0 ppm
Combined Chlorine: 0 ppm
Last edited by PoolDoc; 04-10-2013 at 01:13 PM.
Reason: photo fix
26,500g inground vinyl liner (new liner installed June 2013)
Hayward 1.5 HP Super Pump - Hayward sand filter (sand changed in spring 2009)
Compu Pool CPSC36 SWCG - Polaris 380 cleaner