Sounds pretty risky to me, but I've never assembled a metal wall pool. I'll ask Waste to take a look.
Put a pool up above ground 27 round and we got totally messed up with how to put it up and got everything in place , but then realized when we were going to cut in the return , we blocked the hole with a post, can we make a new hole for the return? Or can we take off the top rail of the post and try to moved it over?? Or is that a big risk??
Thanks for any help.
Sounds pretty risky to me, but I've never assembled a metal wall pool. I'll ask Waste to take a look.
by the way, I deleted the near duplicate post. -ben
Welcome to The Forum!
Is there water in the pool and the liner dropped? From your post, I assume so.
If moving the post is more trouble than using a hole saw to pop a new return inlet, move the return inlet.
There are some 'cautions' to drilling a new hole- you'll need to take the water down ~ 3" below the proposed site and keep any metal fillings from getting behind the liner!
It's not overly difficult, nor taxing on anyone who knows how to use an electric drill - however, it'd be best to run your plan by us, before you do it
I look forward to hearing back from you, so we can be sure that you don't, inadvertently harm your pool.
Luv & Luk, Ted
Having done construction and service for 4 pool companies in 4 states starting in 1988, what I know about pools could fill a couple of books - what I don't know could fill libraries