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Thread: Answering Questions at the PoolForum

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Las Vegas

    Default Answering Questions at the PoolForum

    Well if your ph was at 7.5 . . . .

    [ POOLDOC NOTE: Somewhat confused post, with several errors, deleted. ]
    *15"x42" Intex Type Quick Set Pool* Xtreme 3/4hp pump and Xtreme 13" Sand Filter

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Pool is green...Need Help

    Not to get into a pissing match but I don't understand how I post a helpful reply explaining what to do in your distilled water cya test and my post gets deleted and yet all you can say is cya test is. It a drop test...
    *15"x42" Intex Type Quick Set Pool* Xtreme 3/4hp pump and Xtreme 13" Sand Filter

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Fighting Algae for months

    I got the HTH test kit and here are the results. I posted the Pool chart Entry form as well.
    Test Results
    Chlorine - <0.5ppm
    Alkalinity - 50ppm
    pH - >8.2
    Hardness - 400ppm
    CYA - <30ppm[/QUOTE]

    First you need to get your ph between 7.2-7.8 and then use the pool calculator given your gallons and chemical levels to bring your pool FC to "SHOCK" levels and keep them there until you have killed all your algae, it will take a few days so by he time you receive your Taylor kit you will be able to test for cc and make sure it's no higher than .5ppm. Then you can star te vacuuming of all the dead algae from the pool and start to lower your FC to a normal range for your cya.
    *15"x42" Intex Type Quick Set Pool* Xtreme 3/4hp pump and Xtreme 13" Sand Filter

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Fighting Algae for months

    Quote Originally Posted by trickedout View Post
    [ POOLDOC NOTE: Somewhat confused post, with several errors, deleted. ]
    Let's start here -- My apologies for phrasing this poorly.

    My intention was three-fold. I wanted to avoid having you mislead the OP in the thread, and I wanted to avoid having to dissect what was wrong with your answer in front of everyone. And finally, I wanted to give you a hint that strongly prescriptive posts were probably not the best idea for someone who's new here.

    My response was offensive, and I'm sorry for that. But, I'm afraid you're going to be more offended by what comes next.

    Quote Originally Posted by trickedout View Post
    Not to get into a pissing match but I don't understand how I post a helpful reply explaining what to do in your distilled water cya test and my post gets deleted and yet all you can say is cya test is. It a drop test...
    Your reply wasn't helpful; it was wrong. If I'd left it in the thread, I would have had to correct the errors in your post, before I could start helping the OP.

    The CYA test is NOT a drop test. If you still think it is, you also need to watch the videos:

    Quote Originally Posted by trickedout View Post
    I got the HTH test kit and here are the results. I posted the Pool chart Entry form as well.
    Test Results
    Chlorine - <0.5ppm
    Alkalinity - 50ppm
    pH - >8.2
    Hardness - 400ppm
    CYA - <30ppm
    First you need to get your ph between 7.2-7.8 and then use the pool calculator given your gallons and chemical levels to bring your pool FC to "SHOCK" levels and keep them there until you have killed all your algae, it will take a few days so by he time you receive your Taylor kit you will be able to test for cc and make sure it's no higher than .5ppm. Then you can star te vacuuming of all the dead algae from the pool and start to lower your FC to a normal range for your cya.[/QUOTE]

    1. First, they need to add chlorine -- on the assumption of zero CYA.

    2. But because CYA=0, it needs to be added each evening.

    3. The person who answers them, needs to figure the dose -- for a 15K pool, with a CYA = 0, and a PF:8, each gallon of 6% bleach adds 4 ppm. With a dark green CONCRETE pool, they need to be adding 5 gallons of bleach each evening.

    4. The brown slime + the CYA 3 months ago suggest they may have had a CYA => ammonia biodegradation process going on, so they may see zero chlorine with in hours. This is something whoever answers will have to watch for.

    5. They need to be adding 1/2 gallon muriatic acid doses, till they can get the pH below 8.0 . . . . but getting it between 7.2 - and 7.8 is NOT a priority right now: if it's measurable, that's close enough till the algae is gone.

    6. You're missing the meaning of some of their test results. >8.2 and <30 CYA mean that the results are outside their measurement range. The pH may be 8.2 or 8.8 or 9.6. The CYA may be 20 . . . but as mentioned above, is probably 0

    and so on . . .

    Please, wait a month, and read a lot more, before you start trying to give general answers. PoolForum is not a free-for-all forum, where any sincere answer is considered to be good, so long as it's sincere.

    Sorry . . .

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