Hi, I bought a small ,Intex round type pool for my kids this summer. Thanks to the info I found on this forum and its parent sight, I couldn't be happier with the water chemistry results. The pool water has stayed clear and algae free since I first filled it.

I only have one "issue" and its the result of my 2 year old playing in the dirt. (She likes to dig and play "garden"). Like all two year old toddlers, she tries everything and thinks its a good thing to add some dirt to the pool water!! No matter how much I've tried to discourage this practice, a fair amount of fine dirt has found its way into the pool and settles onto the pool floor. The filter catches some but only when its "stirred up" and is suspended in the water column. (Which tinges the water and makes it look cloudy.)

Once the bathers leave and the water is calm, the dust settles out and the water gets crystal clear, but then the pool floor looks ugly with all of the dirt laying there for everyone to see. The pool vac doesn't get this fine stuff and it's just been slowly building up the past few weeks.

I've tried an external water vacuum and tried to couple it with a fine polishing pad, but this restricts the water flow and doesn't pull the dust in. So in short, I'm flummoxed by this unexpected issue. Since its a small kiddie pool (650 gal) draining it is and option but I'd really like to find a way to deal with this short of draining and refilling. Besides, my wife and I found that we really enjoy the pool ourselves and are planning to go bigger as the kids grow.

Thanks for all of the help,
Don T.