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Thread: Bleach vs Chlorine Help.

  1. #11
    aylad's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bleach vs Chlorine Help.

    Take a look at mwsmith's bleach calculator at http://www.hal-pc.org/~mwsmith2/BleachCalc262.exe
    It will help you figure out how much bleach to add based on your pool gallonage.


  2. #12
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    Default Re: Bleach vs Chlorine Help.

    Quote Originally Posted by sevver
    How much bleach should you add then? I have a 18' pool, around 8000 gallons if I am not mistaken. I have a Nature 2 system, and since getting it, the pool has become alot less of a chore, we used to spend a lot of time fighting the algae and cloudy issues that would spring up out of nowhere.

    I think that using bleach would save a ton of money, so how much do you use, a gallon at a time til you get used to it, or is it less than that?
    There are recipes on the Nature 2 website for the low-chlorine system recommended when using Nature 2. I've been doing it and it works great. So does the Bleach Calculator that was already mentioned.
    There's a lot of opinion on this forum re the Nature 2 system, nearly all of it negative. Take it for what it's worth and make up your own mind.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Bleach vs Chlorine Help.

    Quote Originally Posted by aylad
    Take a look at mwsmith's bleach calculator at http://www.hal-pc.org/~mwsmith2/BleachCalc262.exe
    It will help you figure out how much bleach to add based on your pool gallonage.

    Very handy, thanks, it appears that there are other conversions possible as well.

  4. #14
    CarlD's Avatar
    CarlD is offline SuperMod Emeritus Vortex Adjuster CarlD 4 stars CarlD 4 stars CarlD 4 stars CarlD 4 stars CarlD 4 stars CarlD 4 stars
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    Default Re: Bleach vs Chlorine Help.

    Quote Originally Posted by nickapo
    There are recipes on the Nature 2 website for the low-chlorine system recommended when using Nature 2. I've been doing it and it works great. So does the Bleach Calculator that was already mentioned.
    There's a lot of opinion on this forum re the Nature 2 system, nearly all of it negative. Take it for what it's worth and make up your own mind.
    Yup. I just do the arithmetic and I cannot see how the initial cost plus the $90 or more per season for N2 cartridges are not more costly than just using sufficient bleach. $90 buys a LOT of bleach each season. Even at $1.50/gallon of regular bleach, that's 60 gallons worth. I won't use that much in a summer, so where's the savings?

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