Ok, I usually pretty good with my pool. I opened it last eve to green water.
I have added bleach a few times and even had my free chlorine to 15 ppm but dropped to 2-3 the night before I opened it up. I have been running the filter with the cover on for several weeks for short periods.
Here are my readings this am
Free Chlorine= 20 ppm as of this am
PH- 7.6
CYA- 120 ( I used 3 '' pucks till september and bleach after that)
Alk- 100
The water is clear if you pull out a bucket of water but the pool appears green. ( I think the algae is coated the bottoms and sides)
My plan is:
run the filter 24-7, brush the heck out iof the bottom and sides
My question is : should I bump the free chlorine up to 25 ppm?
Should I try some polyquat, and what effect on the free chlorine does polyquat have?
I can't understand the green water...here in west virginia we have had frost warnings for the last few days, i thought the water would be ok till now due to it still being cold
any advice would be greatly appreciated