
Draining the pool has again been postponed.

Did a full set of tests today, since we'e had ~6.5" of rain in the last week ( Isaac, etc ).

FC is finally back down to 10, and no, I didn't kill the mustard algae. Had the FC up to 90 for a week, and still lost too much overnight, with no real effect on the crud in the pool.

CC as always remained at 0.0

TA has taken a nosedive, is what I think would be too low at 40.

pH appears to be hovering around 7.2, also a bit low.

CH has dropped to ~120.

CYA has been diluted from ~90 - 100 to ~70.

I have been given permission to try building a wood fired heater this weekend, as a test for how much heat bundles of newspaper and wood will add to the water. From the looks of these tests, I'd say I need to bring TA and pH up a bit before attaching the heater to the pool, since it will be made primarily of copper tubing.

As to the algae, I'll just keep it vacuumed up off the bottom of the pool for now, until we do actually close the pool, then will to the thorough cleaning.

The question still remains on the use of algaecide when I clean the liner. 3 - 4" of water + 1/2g bleach + 1/2 gal algaecide. Does this sound right?