If you've been using dichlor, then you have some CYA in there, but apparently just enough to be detected yet. It has to be at 30ppm before it will show on the test.

In your pool, each quart of 6% bleach will add about 2.5ppm of chlorine. So, go ahead and add a 2 qts. Also, add a cup of Borax slowly to the skimmer, wait a couple hours, retest and redose until you get the pH around 7.4-7.6, although anywhere between 7.2-7.8 is ok. You can also add a lb. of baking soda, then test it a few hours later and add more til you are around 80-100. Add it in the same way as the Borax. By the way, you can add bleach, borax and baking soda one right after the other with no problems.

Are you going to continue using dichlor or switch to bleach?

By the way, use the 10ml sample instead of the 25ml so it will make your reagents last longer. The multiplier will be 0.5 instead of 0.2.