As a newbie with no kit and having and battling a pool for two years I have decided to fight back. I have well water with metals. I have a 15000 gallon blue haven pool 5 years old with plaster. It was unkept for a year and drained and brought up last year. I battled with it all summer and it went to green over the winter until i could get a new pump. In the past two months I have put in a ton of chemicals and wasted hundreds of dollars to still have a green pool that wont hold chlorine. I have flocced the pool at their recommendation but it was still green and so i vacuumed it to waste what I could and drained the water down to the jets. Then I filled with well water. It is now a clearer green and will now hopefully hold chlorine. I bought clorox and borax and mule team. I need to get polyquat to be ready. I put metal magic a quart in the pool and hopeully can get it to hold chlorine and get rid of the green. I am relying on the stores water tests until I can order my own set. What should be my next step? I was going to have the metals tested and if acceptable levels add clorox. Is this right? I have a big cartridge filter a 1.5 horse pump and a 15,000 gallon gunite pool. thanks