Thanks Janet and Waterbear,
There is no copper on the well line or on the way our to the hydrant, there are probably two brass fittings between the well and the fill hydrant, but certainly not enough to cause discoloration in fill water, especially now that the incoming ph has been corrected to darn near 7.0.
The neutralizer media is 10% magnesium oxide which combines with water to form magnesium hydroxide (a base) thus raising the pH of my incoming acidic water. My research says that magnesium hydroxide combines with chlorine to form magnesium chloride (a salt) which I think shouldn't be a problem in the pool, but also isn't doing any work for me either. Unless my SWGC can break it down too, but I have no idea. . . .
The (again VERY slight) coloration to the water goes away with 2 to 3 days normal filter operation after a fill. It really only got my attention because we didn't have anything like it last year (first year for pool) . . . but that was BEFORE we got the neutralizer up and running. So, ironically, last year we were much more likely to have been adding some trace metals since we were adding pH 4.9 fill water that was surely leaching stuff from my hydrant, etc.! I'm thinking that the slight color cast after a fill is the effect of the magnesium compounds going through their changes when they hit the chlorine, and that after 2-3 days they're all magnesium chloride and the color cast is gone. I plan on bypassing the neutralizer the next time I need to fill and see what happens, if nothing, I'll assume I'm right.
In the meantime, I've added a borate buffer and am lowering my carbonate alk (per your instructions on the forum) to try and stabilize my pH - it was always creeping up as I (now) understand is normal for a SWCG system.
I do know why it happens, but I still can't believe that a pool company would sell you a system and not teach you the hows and whys of it's operation. That makes me nuts! So grateful to have found your forum so early in my days of pool ownership . . .Thanks all!