There are several things that can be contributing to the problem--the most likely two scenarios are 1)testing with strips, which are being bleached out by high levels of chlorine, and 2) ammonia that was left in the pool when high levels of CYA from last summer were broken down by algae over the winter. So...
We can help, but we need to know more first. Please give us test results (drop-based, no strips!) for chlorine, pH, TA, CYA, and calcium hardness. Also, what type of pool (gunite, vinyl, plaster, etc), what size pump and type/size of filter you're using, as well as what ingredients you've put into the pool so far (ingredients, not just "shock"). Also, what is your regular chlorine source, and what was your CYA at closing last year?
Is the pressure on your filter rising as the pump is running? You said the water is cloudy--is it blue cloudy or green?