Re: Can't clear CC or reach an FC level after tons of bleach - FAS-DPD testing

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I'm sorry, I missed something. Your FC in the bucket test started at 25ppm? and 1/2tsp 12.5% bleach got you to 56ppm? or - ah, I see. You started the bucket test after your 10:30 reading today - right?
Yes, We added 1 1/2 gallons chlorine at 8:00 am. (or FC was 18 and CC was 3.0) At 10:30 our pool was 25 FC and 2.5 CC. That's the water we took and added to the bucket. So when I added 1/2 tsp to the bucket, the bucket's reading was FC 56 & CC 3.0.
I realized what I did and I should have taken the water before 8:30. So I let it sit in the bucket undisturbed, mixed it again at 1:30 and took another reading where FC fell to 45 and CC 2.5.
Do not try to bring your pool to 56ppm FC.
I don't try to ever go above 28ppm FC.
To clear the CC you have to maintain shock level, not let it drift down. Since you're there now, keep it there.
What about over night? What if it dips below shock level tonight? And with company coming tomorrow night to swim, I'll probably have to work to get it back up to shock afterwards since I need to let it drop low enough to safely swim, correct?
Eventually, you'll oxidize all the stuff in your pool that's showing up as CC, the CC will go to 0 and you'll start keeping FC overnight.
Really you will.
After all I've learned and seen so far, I believe everything you say. Since I couldn't reach shock levels for 2 full weeks, I was worried I was doing something wrong to prolong our agony. Which raises that question again, how can I reach shock levels again without it taking 2 weeks if I am basing it on current FC level, desired level of 28ppm and the poolcalculator's math? That's what I did for the past two weeks.
32x16 IG 18K vinyl Grecian; all Hayward equipment: S244T sand filter; .75HP Super Pump; Booster Pump 5060 & Viper; H250IDL2 Heater; CL200 feeder; PF:6.5