Nobody has a 54" wall pool and can give Watermom some advice?
My turn to ask a question for a change!
I currently have Blue Wave Royal Entrance Steps that fit my old pool with 48" pool walls. (A picture of them at this link:
They do not rest on the pool rail but instead on the decking boards. This evening, we dropped the steps into the new pool but they are not high enough for this higher wall -- 54". I searched and found that they do make a "pool step riser" that attaches to the bottom of this brand of pool steps but even if I buy that, it is still going to be an 11-inch drop from the deck to the first step which is too much. So, I'm considering getting new steps. Wondering if any of you have 54" pool walls and have any steps that you would recommend. I don't want a ladder. I want steps that attach to a deck.
Thanks in advance to any who have suggestions for me!
Last edited by Watermom; 05-19-2012 at 09:11 PM. Reason: add link
Nobody has a 54" wall pool and can give Watermom some advice?
These steps are not nearly as nice as what you have but the top step is 46" above pool floor. Your steps with riser kit would put your top step 47" above pool floor. Can you build a higher platform with PVC pipe, elbows and tees?
My steps are an A type ladder with a self closing / latching gate on the outside.
Timing is everything. I like my steps but was thinking of upgrading. Just looked at these on Amazon...I did a google search using "above ground pool steps" to find them..
*edit* Same Steps as what Dave posted !!...ha great minds think alike...
15,000 Gallon AG -24' round -- Vinyl Liner -- 1 HP Hayward Power Flow LX -- Sand Filter -- PF=5.5
Thanks, guys! I think I have decided to try and find a solution using my existing steps since I haven't found any steps online that are high enough. I ordered 2 of the step risers. I am going to use nylon bolts to attach the two of them together and then more nylon bolts to attach this double riser to the bottom of the steps. This will make the bottom step pretty high off the bottom of the pool floor (it is currently 11 inches off the floor but with two 4-inch risers attached it will be 19 inches off the floor), but that shouldn't be a problem since you are swimming and buoyant. I think this will work --- maybe. I have consulted with my co-moderator Al (Poconos) and he also thinks it is feasible. It is worth a try. It never occurred to me that my current steps wouldn't work with the new pool when I ordered it, but I'm still glad I went with the higher wall pool.
That sounds like a good plan. If you find the first step to be uncomfortable you could always build up a little platform and make a new first step like the guy who built a shallow end for his Intex donut.
12'x24' oval 7.7K gal AG vinyl pool; ; Hayward S270T sand filter; Hayward EcoStar SP3400VSP pump; hrs; K-2006; PF:16
That sounds like a workable solution. Better to have a high step up under water than a big step down from the deck.
Oval 12.5K gal AGP; Hayward 19" sand filter; Pentair Dyn 1 HP 2sp pump on timer
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Yep. That is what I think, too.