Buy a better test kit that will allow you to test higher chlorine levels. We recommend the Taylor K-2006 which you can get through the testkit link in my signature. With a CYA of 50, your shock level would be 15 which you can't test with your kit. It could just be that you haven't made it to shock level and that is why you haven't gotten rid of the algae. In the meantime, you can force your kt to go higher with a dilution method. Not super accurate, and not meant to replace getting a good kit. Details here:
Testing Without a Good Kit
What are you using as your source of chlorine? Since your CYA is already at 50, I would suggest just using either bleach or liquid pool store chlorine. For a reference, in your pool, each gallon (4 quarts) of plain, unscented 6% household bleach will add approximately 3.3 ppm of chlorine. Try and keep your chlorine level at 15 while you are trying to clear the pool.
Also, run the pump 24/7 right now and clean the filter as needed. Hope this helps.
(Get the kit! It will make things easier for you!)
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