Many color-blind people can use most of the tests in the Taylor K-2006 without problems. Color does is not usually a problem with the DPD-FAS test for free and combined chlorine, and also not for the cyanuric acid test.
The changes in total alkalinity (red/green) and calcium (pink/purple) tests can often be perceived even with color blindness.
But, the pH test, which is the only color MATCHING test in the K-2006 may be a problem. If you have difficulties with color perception, you may need a pH meter. You can check yourself against the images below, taken from the Wikipedia article. The first image is NOT a color test, but gives you an idea of what you're looking for. A key follows.
10 second cycle -- if you don't see it, wait 10 seconds!
Test images
-- for best results, back up about 3 feet from your monitor --
1. Ishihara #1
2. Ishihara #19
3. Ishihara #11
4. Ishihara #23
5. Ishihara #9
1. Ishihara #1 => normal color vision sees "12"
2. Ishihara #19 => normal color vision sees nothing; red/green blindness sees "2"
3. Ishihara #11 => normal color vision sees "6"
4. Ishihara #23 => normal color vision sees "42"
5. Ishihara #9 => normal color vision sees "74"
PoolDoc / Ben