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Thread: Installing new pool many questions on chemicals

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Installing new pool many questions on chemicals

    Just purchased a pool and the salesman talked about Prestine Blue. I liked what he had to say and they read online that is when i foudn out that it is great against alge but has no effect of viruses or bacteris in the water. I dont want to use chlorine and was unsure on what to do. HELP ME

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Largo, Florida

    Default Re: Installing new pool many questions on chemicals

    That's a copper based product. You should read about it here: http://poolsolutions.com/gd/mineral-...es-a-scam.html and here: http://www.poolforum.com/pf2/showthr...-amp-More-quot

    Here's an excerpt that is most important to me, since my kids swim in my pool:

    Copper kills algae. But, copper kills bacteria . . . v-e-r-y _ s--l--o--w--l--y. And, for the most part, copper does not kill viruses at all. Since diseases are transmitted by both those slowly killed bacteria and those not-killed-at-all viruses, that's a problem.
    rectangle 11.5K gal IG concrete pool;; 125sf cartridge filter; 2hp 1 speed pump; K-2006, k-1766; PF:10

  3. #3
    CarlD's Avatar
    CarlD is offline SuperMod Emeritus Vortex Adjuster CarlD 4 stars CarlD 4 stars CarlD 4 stars CarlD 4 stars CarlD 4 stars CarlD 4 stars
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    Default Re: Installing new pool many questions on chemicals

    Hi MCR:

    Like everything, Chlorine has its benefits and its drawbacks. Most of us here are convinced that the benefits of pool sanitation with Chlorine so far out-weigh the drawbacks that it's a no-brainer. Chlorine is simple THE best all-around sanitizer, algaecide, and consumer of stuff like sun-tan lotion, ammonia and ...urine.

    Bromine seems to be the better choice for hot tubs as it stands up to heat better, but all the other alternatives to Chlorine are expensive and do not work very well. Skin and eye sensitivity, and allergic reactions are much rarer than people think, and usually are the result of bad water monitoring and treatment, not the chlorine.

    Products that kill or inhibit algae can help you use less chlorine, but on a cost-base valuation, they usually fall short. Copper does kill algae, but it stains pools and hair, especially blond hair.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    waterbear's Avatar
    waterbear is offline Lifetime Member Sniggle Mechanic waterbear 4 stars waterbear 4 stars waterbear 4 stars waterbear 4 stars
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    Default Re: Installing new pool many questions on chemicals

    Is there any special reason that you don't want to use chlorine?
    Retired pool store and commercial pool maintenance guy.

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