PoolDoc Note
As always, we try to post honest and accurate information. This usually means we include negative information. As many know, there is quite a bit of negative information on the forum about my own serious failures with the PS-235 testkits. However we also try to avoid legal pee-ing contests. And, in this case, we've received legal threats from some one claiming to be "Dan Lee, CEO; SpectraLight Technologies, Inc" and describing himself as "President and owner of SpectraLight Technologies, Inc., the manufacturer of SpectraLight UV systems, EcoPump, Leaf Pump and ZeoPure." Therefore we've adopted the policy below.
The PoolForum and PoolDoc recommend against the purchase of SpectraLight, EcoPump, Leaf Pump or ZeoPure products, or any products sold on websites affiliated with the email address info@spectrauv.com, or the parent company name "SpectraLight Technologies". Due to legal threats, we cannot say more at this time. No further discussion of these product lines is allowed. Somewhat more information is available on in this post.
Has anyone had any experience with Leaf Pool Pumps?
www.leafpumps DOT com
Thank You