saving on reagent for chlorine testing
I've been using my k2006 to get my pool in order this year and since I have a lot of chlorine testing early in the process, I could see I'd run out of the solutions quick. So, I measured out 5ml in the test vial and put a mark on the side for it. This allows me to use about a half a scoop of powder, then each drop to neutralize the color equals 1ppm chlorine. I'm running my Cl at around 20ppm for now and it makes for saving a lot of reagent for testing twice daily. I double checked against the 10 ml testing and it seems to correlate well. I'm not sure it would be as accurate at lower chlorine levels but for the levels I'm at now, it's working well.
Jandy Aqua-Pure SWCG on 1.5" bypass to a venturi skimmer; in-floor cleaning system presently disengaged. pebble coat surface, spill over spa
15x30' kidney 22.9K gal IG pool; swg; Jandy Cl 340 cartridge filter; Pentair Intelliflo VS pump; 18hrs; K2006 Taylor; shallow well + utility; summer: ; winter: ; none; PF:5.2