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Thread: Esther Williams "Millenium" Pool Install "issue"

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Esther Williams "Millenium" Pool Install "issue"

    Good afternoon. I bought the Esther Williams "Millenium" pool (12x21) and am sinking it about half in the ground. I have the hole, and the side supports completed but need to attach the "arcs". In the guide there is an adapter that gets installed (I did that) but did not follow the guide because it won't align the arc to the straight wall. My question is.. when I attach the Arc rails to the Arc rail adapter I need to know where the short pieces go (the ones with the holes).. are they the ones that attach to the sides of the pool, or form the ends of the arcs.. also my arcs do not sit nicely on the ground and are bent severly, can I put up a post and sort of tie it down plumb? Anyone ever install one of these let me know. I can also post pix.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default UPDATE: Esther Williams "Millenium" Pool Install "issue"

    Okay so I determined that the diagram in the instructions is inaccurate and I believe they assume that you should know how it goes together. Also the ARC clips have little nubs on them and you just butt the ARC rail against them and not try and push the rail up and over the nubs. The ARCs are quite "flexible" and you can sort of just force the system to work for your needs. It's rained here in Ontario where I live for like 8 days straight so hopefully this weekend I can get this all finished.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default FINAL UPDATE: Esther Williams "Millenium" Pool Install "issue"

    Okay so the pool is up and functional. This project has been 5 weeks of hell for me. Next weekend I can start the "landscaping" portion (basically have to relevel the entire yard and sod it).

    Once done I'll post pics if anyone wants to see this "Millenium" pool sunk 27" into the ground.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Re: FINAL UPDATE: Esther Williams "Millenium" Pool Install "issue"

    I do, I do! Please post pics of your pool. Not to make light of five weeks, but compare that to how long you'll enjoy your pool...just keep thinking of that!

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