Searching for more about "Operating Swiming Pools at High PH"...
Hi Eh,
Ben has teased me with his page about running a pool at high PH. (Link removed by mod to speed up posting to forum) I've been searching the forum for more meat, but I can't find it.
I'm especially interested in more about "shocking" (in the 'eighth element of easy PH control' paragraph).
I'd love to join in on this one. I've finally Boraxed myself up to a nice pink 8-ish (on my K-2006)
About 5 days ago...
My initial runs were pretty textbook (from memory...lost my little log sheet):
FC - off scale due to gallons of 4% bleach dumping during initial fill
CC - 0
CYA - working on it...
PH - 7.5-ish
TA - 100-ish
Hardness - 100-ish
I remember being around -0.4 on the little spinny dial calculator.
FC - 4.5
CC - 0
CYA - too scared to waste any more reagent ~300 grams confirmed dissolved was still <30 yesterday
PH - 8-ish
TA - has stayed 100-ish the whole time
The temps have been cool here, there's been no pool action for a couple days.
Minor note: I floatied a single tri-cholor puck, since the water was half full, at wide open. It's still pretty much there (really slow to dissolve). I don't 'plan' on always using Tri-Chlor...I just wanted to jump the CYA gun and try and keep some FC there while I plumbed everything up. (kept circulation with a submersible sump pump laying on it's side|). The floatie is still there, but I suspect it's effect is minimal. I'm going to pull it when the puck has dissolved.
Anyway, back to the topic...
Can I get in on this whole high PH operating methodology? I'm curious...and always appreciate an easier and likely? cheaper way to do things.
5300 Gallon (15' x 52" composite & aluminum - AG)
(Not Salt Water - Liquid Chlorine - Trying BBB...)
Sta-Rite Mod3 60sqft DE Filter (with 8lbs charge) - Sta-Rite 2" Dyna-Wave Pump (<<< L-O-V-E )
All 2" plumbing (except 3" suction line, modified skimmer) - Two 1.5" returns at 180degrees apart (skimmer return piped down to floor)
"15' round 5.1K gal AG pool; ~10% liquid Chlorine; Sta-Rite Mod3 60sqft DE Filter DE filter; Sta-Rite 2"" Dyna-Wave Pump pump; 11hrs; Taylor K-2006
'drops' FAS-DPD Chlorine, ; utility water; summer: ; winter: ; iPhone; PF:24"