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Thread: White water mold and pool floats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    York, PA

    Unhappy White water mold and pool floats

    It seems after using the floats, etc., white water mold begins to appear. Should I clean the floats first and how do I get rid of the water mold? I was told it's an animal type organism, but nothing seems to kill it short of backwashing the pool. Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: White water mold and pool floats

    Chlorine kills it just fine, if you get the levels right.

    But, are you using Baquacil? If so the only way we support Baquacil (PHMB) pools is by helping people convert from them, to chlorine.

    Baquacil typically works well for a year or two, and then becomes a nightmare. You can avoid this by draining 2/3 of your pool every year, and by replacing your filter media (sand or cartridge) annually. If you haven't done that, and are using PHBM, there's no real fix.

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