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Thread: Small sink hole under liner edge

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Union City, Ohio

    Default Small sink hole under liner edge

    My above ground pool has a small (I call it a sink hole) appearing under the outer edge of the liner. About 6" across at the top down to 1" at the bottom and maybe 4" deep. Cant see any signs of it on the outside of the pool at the bottom, everything there appears normal looking. I am wondering if it will eventually suck a hole in the liner. The pool has been installed 6 years now. Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks Joe

  2. #2
    CarlD's Avatar
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    Default Re: Small sink hole under liner edge

    Clearly there has been water under the pool that has washed away sand.

    Ok. So that's what's happened. Sadly, someone else will have to tell you whether you can fix it or not. I suspect not. But you may be able to prevent it getting worse.

    Guys like Waste and Waterbear may have a better idea.


  3. #3
    Watermom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Small sink hole under liner edge

    Years ago, when I first installed a pool, I taped a hose to the top rail while it was filling. Everything seemed just fine. The water ran all day and the tape held the hose in place just like I wanted it to. Well, we went to bed and let the hose run and got up a couple of times during the night to check on things. One of the times we checked, the tape had popped loose and the hose had fallen to the ground and was aimed right at the base of the pool! It had washed out a "footprint-sized" area of sand about 2-3 inches deep. I was so bummed out; my brand new pool wasn't gonna look perfect! But, it never got any bigger. I just told the kids to leave the "footprint" alone when they were in the pool and they did.

    I replaced that liner about 7 years later and the footprint had never gotten any worse. If our installation people don't have any words of wisdom for how you can fix this, at least maybe you'll have the same luck I did with my washout.

    Good luck and also welcome to the forum!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Small sink hole under liner edge

    Don't really have any info to add to your pool situation, but I noticed your email address. If it means what I think it does, it's relevant to say that I'm Scoutmaster of a new troop in Chattanooga, with 3 Anglos (including my son) and 10 Burundian refugees living here. My son has been visiting a nearby Latino church, and thinks some of the boys in that church may join this fall.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Small sink hole under liner edge

    Does anyone have an answer to this situation? We just had 8" of rain after a heatwave and it caused a sinkhole in our pool from sand washing away. What should we do? Pool is brand new this season.


  6. #6
    waste is offline PF Support Team Whizbang Spinner waste 3 stars waste 3 stars waste 3 stars
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    Default Re: Small sink hole under liner edge

    The best I can tell you is to provide a curtain drain, to keep water from washing out your bottom and shore up the affected area as best you can to keep the damage from spreading. If you can post a pic or 2 of the area, I might be able to provide more specific info
    Last edited by waste; 07-26-2011 at 04:10 PM. Reason: I spell like crip:D
    Luv & Luk, Ted

    Having done construction and service for 4 pool companies in 4 states starting in 1988, what I know about pools could fill a couple of books - what I don't know could fill libraries

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    Watermom's Avatar
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