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Thread: SWCG In Aluminum (27" Esther Williams Classic)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default SWCG In Aluminum (27" Esther Williams Classic)

    New to this forum and have found it very useful.

    I'm about to install a used 27" Ester Williams Classic (aluminum panel type) and am considering using a SWCG system.

    I've repainted everything (coping and all aluminum panels) with Rustoleum Aluminum primer and Rustoleum oil-based enamel and the installation with be semi-buried.

    I am concerned about extra corrosion of the Aluminum due to the salt water . Does anyone have personal experience with a SWCG used with an Aluminum pool? Has anyone used sacrificial anodes and if so what type and how were they installed? Has anyone used an active electrical anti-corrosion system?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Northcentral MS

    Default Re: SWCG In Aluminum (27" Esther Williams Classic)

    I cannot speak from personal experience with this type pool, but I can speak from years of experience as an engineer in the HVAC industry. We build thousands of copper tube/aluminum fin coils every day (since 1950's) for large OEMs. Galvanic corrosion is one of the biggest problems in this industry. The aluminum fins are sacrificial due to the mass ratio of aluminum to copper and the dielectric potential between the two metals. Add a catalyst such as salt to water (aka sea side applications) and you will see what looks like news paper ashes instead of aluminum fins within a year.
    However, we also manufacture all aluminum coils (round tube and microchannel - like your car radiator) which do not have the problems traditional copper/aluminum coils have. Why? Because you do not have two dissimilar metals electrically combined to create an electrical potential and therefore with the right catalyst, corrosion. If you think about it, look at your car radiator and your will see bare aluminum no matter if you live up north, on the coast, or in the middle of the desert. Since that radiator is all aluminum (with some plastic of course), it does not matter how much salt you throw at it, it will not deteriorate like a copper/aluminum coil.

    The pool pros can chime in and tell you about this type of pool, but from a corrosion standpoint I think you will be fine because: 1) you have coated the aluminum with a enamel paint. 2) The mass of aluminum far out ways any other metal in the pool (I assume).

    Interested to hear what the pool guys have to say.

    Last edited by zmachines; 06-16-2011 at 12:04 PM.
    - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
    16' x 32' IG Vinyl
    Autopilot Digital 220 w/SC-48 SWG system
    Cooper 25" sand filter with 1HP pump

    16'x32' rectangle 22.5K gal IG pool; SWCG; Cooper 25 sand filter; ? 1.25hp pump; 8hrs; Taylor Complete FAS-DPD Pool Water Test Kit K-2006; utility water; summer: ; winter: ; android phone; PF:5.3

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