You need to be a little more aggressive with the chlorine--looks like you're adding enough to start killing the old Baq off, but not enough to get ahead of it. With zero stabilizer in the water, you need to add enough chlorine to get to 12-15 ppm and do your best to hold it there as consistently as possible. If you can test/add additional chlorine 2-3 or more times daily, that's even better. If you can hold it at that "shock" level, you will win the battle--you just need to bump it up a little. Also, no more clarifiers or anything else except chlorine. Everything extra that you add is adding to your chlorine demand, and you already are barely keeping enough in the pool for the Baq. So..nothing else extra.
In a 10K gallon pool, one gallon of 12.5% chlorine raises your chlorine to 12.5 ppm--IF your chlorine is still full strength, which it may or may not be. Add your chlorine, give it 30-40 minutes to circulate, and retest--and bump it up if you need to til you're between the 12-15 ppm mark--then test and re-add as often as you can. It'll work!!