Hello everyone. I have a question about CYA levels. Should temperature zone, sunlight exposure, and water temperature affect how high a level of CYA I should keep in my pool?

Where I live here in South Florida, the most common recommendation for CYA is 60ppm, which itself seems to require an FC level of 5 - 10 using the "best guess CYA chart". What is everyone's opinion on using a 60-90ppm of CYA vs. 30-50ppm (with a FC level of 3-6)? My thinking is that perhaps with a 60ppm CYA and FC level of 5-10, I would get maybe an extra day or 2 of 'float' (since there is a 5ppm variance) before I need to add bleach again. I'm only available to test and bleach 2x during the week.

In the summer, my pool gets full day exposure to the sun, and the water temperature often gets in the 90's.

Hope this post isn't too rambling, but I would appreciate any comments on the subject.

