Is there a typo in the salt range for the Autopilot and SGS?
I've just posted a preliminary, but complete comparison between SWCG (salt water chlorine generators) by Auto Pilot, Compu Pool, Hayward, Jandy, Pentair, & SGS:
If you see errors or omissions, please note them in this thread, so I can correct them.
Is there a typo in the salt range for the Autopilot and SGS?
12'x24' oval 7.7K gal AG vinyl pool; ; Hayward S270T sand filter; Hayward EcoStar SP3400VSP pump; hrs; K-2006; PF:16
Hayward has 3 different turbo-cells for 40,000, 25,000 and 15,000 gallons. I'm assuming each have a different output of chlorine. They also have a range of controllers from simple timer to fully automatic.
Turbo-cell 5 - 15K gallons
Turbo-cell 9 - 25K
Turbo-cell 15 - 40K, 1.45 lbs salt/day (I don't know the other two)
Controllers are aqua rite, pro logic, aqua plus, swimpure. These provide varying degrees of automation.
Anyone know how to tell which one you have? Edit: Never mind this. I read on the tcell. I have the 15.
Last edited by rpoldervaart; 08-27-2010 at 03:24 PM.
22K gallon, IG, gunite, Sunstone Pearl White Pearl plaster, Aqualogic SWCG, Hayward Tristar pool pump, Pentair Whisperflo waterfall pump, Pentair Clean & Clear 320 cartridge filter, Sta-Rite heater.
Great Job Ben. Great Information.
I know there are quite a few factors that would contribute to this, but is there any chance of something like a 1-5 star rating for these various units based upon Chlorine output, cell life, and other factors (not necessarily cost) etc.? I think maybe a 1-5 scale would be better than a recommended brand.
I know from my own experience that these SWCG units are not cheap, and I would think that others might benefit from it as opposed to be being "POOL STORED" by their local Pool Store salesman.
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Actually, all these units are high quality (with perhaps the exception of the Jandy, which is now owned by Zodiac--but that is a whole 'nother story) so any one of them should perform well. Also this list is not inclusive of all the SWGs on the market and there are other excellent ones that are somewhat common such as WaterMaid and Resiliance that are not on the list.
Retired pool store and commercial pool maintenance guy.
The SGS Owners Manual shows that 8000 ppm is too high for salt and should not be exceeded "to avoid damage to the SG "Series" system. It conflicts with page 8 that shows a special application high limit of 35,000 ppm.
Resilience is not currently available, as the manufacturing company in Israel is no longer in business.
Sean Assam
Commercial Product Sales Manager - AquaCal AutoPilot Inc. Mobile: 954-325-3859
e-mail: --- -
What's wrong with the Jandy units? I am considering the AquaPure Ei to control with my AquaLink OneTouch. Would love to hear some input. The rest of my Jandy system has been great for years (well, aside from that lightning strike, but can't blame Jandy for that). Thanks!
My pool:
15x30 inground concrete pool w/spa in one corner overflowing into pool, all under screen enclosure
Hayward C1200 StarClear Plus Cartridge Filter
Jandy Laars LX400 propane heater w/120 gal above-ground tank
Jandy AquaLink RS OneTouch controller w/PDA remotes and computer control
JVAs control pool/spa switch and also allow drain opening
Hayward Navigator
Is the Compupool 60 susposed to be the CSPC 48?
17K IGP, CSPC 48, Pentair CC100 Cartridge filter, 1HP DuraGlas II,