Pumps, pipes, filters, lights; covers, valves, heaters, coolers; filling and draining . . .
___________________________________ How Much Does Pump Efficiency Matter? ___________________________________ TL;DR: The difference in...
____________________________________ FAQs & Guides: Pool Equipment & Operations ---- June 2018 ---- ____________________________________ ...
I've spent the last three years (yes, that's THREE) rebuilding my existing pool that was originally built in the mid 50's. Lots of problems, lots...
I am considering replacing my 12V incandescent light with a color LED. I am considering the Pentair IntelliBrite 5g, but would consider any other...
I have a 3-way , 2" Ortega valve that's always hard to turn, always needs maintenance. Is there another type of valve that I could use to replace...
Hello, folks! I have a Hayward 2.0 HP Superpump for my 25,000 gallon in-ground pool. I have noticed that lately, when the pump first turns on for...
What's the purpose of an overdrain cup and basket/strainer in my American Meteor sand filter? See attachements - parts 9 (cup), 10 (basket), and...
I have a Hayward Super Pump with AO Smith 1hp motor. Had a problem at the beginning of the season where it just hummed but wouldn't start, so I...
Can you advise of what I can use to actually keep the pool water cooler in summer while still cutting evaporation and chemical loss?
Hi, I've recently changed sand in my filter guided by a video I found on Youtube. It said to fill tank with water prior to adding the new sand to...
I have a 15x30x4 oval above ground pool,3/4 hp Hayward pump,my motor quit this weekend before winterization,my buddy has a Hayward sp4010x15 pump it...
Sorry, multi part question. I live in Las Vegas and it does get cold around here. Anyways, I just had a pool built and now the neighbor is...
I'm wondering how all of you backwash your filters, what kind of methods you use. I have to backwash pretty often - though my neighbor, who also...
I would like to change my Polaris pressure side pool cleaner to a Hayward vacuum side cleaner. Pool is screened; no leaf problem. Main pool pump...
Hey Ben, You helped me many years ago as I was building and starting my pool. I guess now I’m having ‘old pool’ problems as the pool is now 16...
I'm trying to fix a leak in my pool, 10,000 gallons, the suggestion from the manufacturer of "fix a leak" is to slow down the flow to 8 gallons per...
New pool owner here (well, renter technically). The landlord started the process of opening the pool but has handed it off to me to complete....
Hello all, I've had an issue all season with dirt coming back in though my returns. It's actually too heavy for my vacuum to pick up so I have to...
Sooo.... come back from vacation and my most recent pump seized. I need a new pump. Would appreciate any recommendation! The whole system is 30...
I've been calling around and getting some wildly different answers about the expected longevity of propane (no gas out here) and solar heaters. One...
My 14" Intex sand filter is beginning to spit sand into the pool. I don't really want to just repair or replace it with another Intex, so I'm...
Hello all. I searched the forum for an answer to the following and came up blank. I have an older Compool system that includes a 3-way diverter...
Hey guys - Can't wait to hear some great advice in these forums. If this first post should be placed elsewhere just let me know. I'm finally...
I have a Hayward C3030 filter housing and on the pvc 90 fitting at the bottom there is about an 1/8 hole in the side of the fitting. If you are...
Hi, I'm new here. I have a Jandy pool heater and, can't get the pilot to light. I've replaced the pilot, thermal coupler, and pilot tubing. I'm...
How does this valve come out? From inside the pump? And what tabs do you squeeze, bend, push on, etc, etc to remove the cuff that the check valve...
I have 2" flex pipe coming out of the ground from the pool drain. Flex pipe is that hard black plastic stuff that is a bit flexible, but when...
Inground 15k gallons pool. Nautilus FNS 48 DE filter, with cellulose fiber The problem, what I have observed and what I have done so far.... ...
I have read Ben talking about blowing sand out during backwashing, and that you can throttle an oversized pump down with a valve, which I have done....
I have an above ground pool with a sand filter, I noticed that when on “filter” setting that there is water coming from the “backwash” valve outlet...
I have a Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter with the multiport valve model SP0714T1. i found that water pours out of the backwash/discharge port when...
Currently have a 1.5 Hayward but this season it just started getting loud and its overkill so pricey ro run. I have a 15x30 oval AG pool. I have a...
I had DE blowing back into the pool through the returns while vacuuming. I removed the tank lid to find the air relief screen clogged and crushed as...
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