View Full Version : My friend is giving me a hard time about Clorox

06-08-2010, 04:40 PM
My friend purchased home with a beautiful IG and I am have him using BBB. However, he is giving me a hard time because I told him that I buy Clorox bleach at Sam's Club. It is the three pack of 1.4 gal 6% Clorox for $8.12 ($1.90/gal)

I realize that it is not the most cost efficient (but still very good) and since I have a large pool and use about a case/week....the cases are very convenient to transport and store.

He found this from Ben...and asked for my thoughts...


06-08-2010, 04:54 PM
That page was written years ago. it has been so long since I even looked at one of their labels that I'm not even sure what Clorox's bleach is even like these days? All you want is sodium hypochlorite and nothing else. Most bleach sold today is 6% sodium hypochlorite as opposed to 5.25% like it was a few years back. What does your ingredient label say?

06-08-2010, 10:25 PM
It's the regular old plain NaOCl...but the statement that "you should AVOID the Clorox brand product, and select a store brand instead" to the uninitiated was what was troublesome...

I am comfortable with what I know and do...but I seemed to have lost some credibility with him because Ben tells us to avoid Clorox

06-08-2010, 10:35 PM
My take on it is don't worry about it. Life is too short to worry about things that don't really matter. That has become more and more evident to me after all I have been through in the last couple of years. If it is working for you and you are comfortable with what you are doing, then all is well!

chem geek
06-09-2010, 04:11 AM
Clorox has a bunch of different specialty bleaches that you should avoid including ones that are scented and ones labeled "outdoor" that have thickeners in them. Clorox Regular is fine to use. The only extra thing other than the lowest amount of "excess lye" of any bleach is sodium polyacrylate and though Clorox won't tell me how much there is in their bleach, it seems to be a very small amount.