View Full Version : DIY with a new pool construction question

05-30-2010, 09:53 PM
OK here it goes:
I am ready to plaster soon and my pool has been gunited. Several PVC Pipes are sticking out of the walls (nothing unusual there) BUT I noticed that one of the pipes next to the "swim out" in the deep end has been removed and a new one installed. Apparently the first one was too close to the step. I think this was done during the plumber’s pressure test while I was at work.

QUESTION: I now have a 2" hole (where the previous pipe was) extending into the wall all the way through the gunite and a new 2" pipe next to the now existing hole. I'm sure there will be plenty of plaster shot in that entire area but my understanding is plaster is not 100% water proof. Do I have problem? Should I apply some kind of sealer inside the open hole and around the new pipe that was installed (by chiselling through the wall)? I'm concerned I'll lose water in this area once the pool is complete or is it simply a non-issue?
Help and thanks in advance!

06-05-2010, 09:07 AM
Did you get your problem solved? I'm bumping this back up so maybe somebody will have an answer for you although --- you are probably already past this step in the construction process.