View Full Version : thinking of going with a swg

05-26-2010, 12:46 AM
just looking for some thoughts.

any ideas

05-26-2010, 06:24 AM
Well, the first question is:

What's your pool configuration (including where you are)?

The second question is:

What are you looking for it to do for you?

Otherwise, it's an open-ended question. Lots of people here have them--most love them. Lots of people don't and would like to have them. Many don't and don't see the need.

If your question is: Are they a legitimate pool sanitizing system or a phony, the answer is they are legitimate.

05-26-2010, 09:33 AM
As Carl stated there are different opinions. Here are a few points that I have learned in the three weeks that I have had my Salt Water Chlorine Generator.

1. Since your chlorine is being generated by your filtering system, You will probably have to run your filter more than you ran it using traditional chlorine. Each pool is different. It has been recommended that you purchase a unit that is rated for a pool that is at least 1 1/2 to two times larger than your specific pool so the unit will not struggle to work. I have approx. 12,000 gallons and my SWCG system is rated for a 24,000 gallon pool. I would also suggest you look into a self-cleaning SWCG instead of a non-self cleaning model.

2. You will need to run higher Cyanuric Acid levels with a salt system, and you may find you need to add more (Muriatic) acid than you did before to keep your pH in check. There are other factors in controlling pH too, like areation etc.

3. The salt water and the chlorine generated by the SWCG is much healthier for you than the tablets or traditional chlorine.

4. Your initial investment will be fairly steep, the cost of the unit, the installation (if you don't DIY), the salt, and any other start-up chemicals like CYA. However, If you get your chemistry and your system run time dialed in, you will save money over traditional chlorine. A rough estimate on salt is 50 lbs. for every 2000 gallons of pool water. Pool Salt will run $7 - $10 for a 40lb. bag at most hardware stores. Start with 1/2 the estimated amount and test frequently for the salt level required by your SWCG instruction manual. Don't over do the salt or you will be draining the pool.

5. I installed my salt system in an above ground pool after replacing the liner and doing a complete re-fill. I suggest you do the same (refill only, not replace the liner). However, maybe one of the more qualified experts would comment on converting a pool that has used traditional chlorine without draining.

6. So far, I am liking my system. My pool water does have a slight salty taste and I have read that some delicate plants may not survive the backwashing of the salt water, so if there is a sewer drain or an area without vegetation available for backwash you would be smart to use it.

Hope this helps.


06-04-2010, 01:02 AM
Thank you for the itemized clarifications.

I'm also interested in installing an SWCG.

2. You will need to run higher Cyanuric Acid levels with a salt system, and you may find you need to add more (Muratic) acid than you did before to keep your pH in check. There are other factors in controlling pH too, like areation etc.Just to give some idea, can you share what CYA level you keep your pool water at? Also, how much is pH affected by the SWCG? Do you have to lower the pH everyday?

4. Your initial investment will be fairly steep, the cost of the unit, the installation (if you don't DIY), the salt, and any other start-up chemicals like CYA. However, If you get your chemistry and your system run time dialed in, you will save money over traditional chlorine. A rough estimate on salt is 50 lbs. for every 2000 gallons of pool water. Pool Salt will run $7 - $10 for a 40lb. bag at most hardware stores. Start with 1/2 the estimated amount and test frequently for the salt level required by your SWCG instruction manual. Don't over do the salt or you will be draining the pool.Is the cost of additional electricity for the SWCG negligible?

06-04-2010, 03:09 PM
I would be happy to share my info.

I replaced my liner on May 7th, 2010 and have nursed my CYA up slowly so as not to add too much. I am currently at 50 ppm. Chem Geek and others on this forum advised me to go to 60-80 range on CYA.

I purchased a "Box" of Muriatic acid containing two 1 gallon bottles about 10 days ago and I am still on the first gallon. I add about 2 cups every other day or every third day. I am hoping this will also decrease even more as I get dialed in.

If you are asking about the additional electricity to run the SWCG alone it is negligible. If you are asking about running the pool filter and the SWCG longer than I did when I used traditional chlorine I have to say it is higher. I am expecting my first electric bill since installing the SWCG any day now, so I can't give actual numbers just yet.

The trick is to get everything dialed in so you can run the SWCG system as little as possible so you prolong the life of the generator, slow the pH rise, maintain good levels of chlorine, keep your pool sparkling clean, and not spend a fortune in the process.

See my newest thread in this section of the forum about fine tuning a salt water pool.

Hope this helps. BTDG

06-04-2010, 03:36 PM
Thank you, BTDG, for the helpful additional info.

I'll take a look at the other thread you mentioned and follow the progress there.

Have a great weekend.

06-04-2010, 06:19 PM
Is it "A SWG" or "An SWG"?

It is clearly "A Salt-Water chlorine Generator".

I struggle with this linguistic conundrum.

06-04-2010, 06:47 PM
Is it "A SWG" or "An SWG"?

It is clearly "A Salt-Water chlorine Generator".

I struggle with this linguistic conundrum.

Well then, wouldn't it be "A SWCG"?

It is not a Salt Water Generator, it is as you said "A Salt Water CHLORINE Generator.

And while we're on the subject of conundrums, is it MURATIC or MURIATIC Acid?

06-04-2010, 07:36 PM
Is it "A SWG" or "An SWG"?

It is clearly "A Salt-Water chlorine Generator".

I struggle with this linguistic conundrum.

It depends on how you read the sentence. If, when reading, you say "A Salt-Water chlorine Generator" when you see "SWCG" then it should be "A". If you read it as "Ess - double_u - cee - gee", then it should be "An".

As for the acid.

As per: http://mw4.m-w.com/dictionary/muriatic%20acid

It is: Pronunciation: \ˌmyu̇r-ē-ˈa-tik-\




06-06-2010, 03:33 PM
It's like the bit that George Carlin used to do.

He would make fun of the inconsistancies of words and phrases.

The one that applies here is when his friend was going to go out and buy a new "Hot Water Heater".

Carlin asked him why he was going to buy a "Hot water heater" when what he really needed a "COLD water heater". Why did he need to make his hot water.... hot ?

You say TOE-MAY-TOE and I say TOE-MA-TOE.

06-06-2010, 04:52 PM
So...how come everyone in the English-speaking world calls it "an MRI" not "a MRI" when it stand for "Magnetic Resonance Imaging"? (they took out the word "nuclear" because it made people nervous.)

06-06-2010, 08:35 PM
Carl, I think you've got WAYYY too much time on your hands! :)


06-06-2010, 08:52 PM
OMG! Linguistic conundrums to boot! Is this heaven? I know it's not Iowa. I have numerous linguistic pet peeves. Parameters. Now means defining characteristics or boundaries (see perimiter). It is really a set of mathematical indices used in higher math (calculous etc.). Albeit, I had to check the spelling 4 times in this 1 reply.

06-06-2010, 11:07 PM
Carl, I think you've got WAYYY too much time on your hands! :)


The only time on MY hands is on the hands of my watch!

Spent the last 7 months of weekends getting my mom's house ready to sell--we closed on Friday (FREEDOM!!!!) but it was a little sad. They were there since 1952 and they were there when I was born. But my other "free" time was spent on our own remodeling project that's been going on even longer and is FINALLY winding down. That's why I was SO late getting my pool open and still don't even have the umbrellas out or the solar cover on.

I was on Jury Duty in February and the judge on one trial (a nasty one) asked me what I did in my spare time...."My what?" says I!