View Full Version : any ePool Monitoring System reviews?

05-23-2010, 11:08 PM
has anyone tried this new wireless device yet?
it looks like an excellent concept except from what i've heard it's not all that accurate, but is it accurate enough? any users out there?

05-26-2010, 08:13 AM
has anyone tried this new wireless device yet?
it looks like an excellent concept except from what i've heard it's not all that accurate, but is it accurate enough? any users out there?From what I've read, and I'm no expert, the unit is $275 plus ≈$50/yr for the anaual sensor/battery replacement. That's a bit much I think considering it only measures pH and Chlorine. It doesn't differentiate between FC & TC.

I can get more measurements manually in five minutes for much less money. IMHO, it's not really worth it.

My 2¢ FWIW.
