View Full Version : DE flowing in pool when precoating!

04-30-2006, 11:18 AM
Each time after backwashing my DE filter, I get a steady stream of DE flowing back into the pool when I am adding new DE to the skimmer (for about 30 seconds). It does this each and every time.

Is the DE supposed to flow back into the pool when coating the filter after backwashing? It only comes out for about 30 seconds or so, but it clouds the water for a couple of days. It isn't a big deal because it always clears up in a couple of days, but forget about swimming in those 2 days because of eye iritation, cloudy water, etc. Any help or experience is greatly appreciated.


Steve T
Central Texas

04-30-2006, 11:51 AM
No it should not do that. You've got a hole in one of your grids.


05-01-2006, 09:45 AM
It may also be an issue with your multi port valve. It may not be seating properly when you go from backwash to filter. Check to see if there is any play in the handle after you move back to filter. Sometimes the valve needs some lube to allow for frre play. You may also have a orn spider gasket.

05-02-2006, 10:19 AM
One thing I do know is that when I backwash, there is a bit of "dirty" DE that comes out of the drain in the pool. I have since installed a valve in the return line and I shut that off so the "dirty" DE doesn't go back into the pool.

Also, when the valve is in the filter position, there is a little water that goes out the backwash line. I also put a valve there so the water doesn't go to waste.

I guess when I put all of these things together it points to the multi-port valve. I could have a torn grid since I do get some "junk" in my polaris line filter. I have to clean that out every couple of weeks. It is filled with small pieces of live oak tree droppings and minute pieces of other decayed material.

I have a Hayward SP-715XR50 multi-port on my DE filter. I am looking at the instruction sheet that came with it and I can't seem to see a spider gasket. I see a valve seat gasket. Is that the same thing? I have also googled repacement parts for this and I can only find the entire handle, pin assembly without any gaskets, o-rings, etc.