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View Full Version : Got My 234 Today!

04-29-2006, 03:34 PM
Here we go:

FC - 7.5
CC - 0
TC - 7.5
pH - 7.3 (it wasn't 7.2 but it wasn't 7.5 either) :rolleyes:
Alk - 90
CAL - 40
CYA - 50~60 (The dot got VERY difficult to see at 50, but could still very faintly see it. Definately could not see a little before the 60 line.)
Temp - 81

I've got more CYA than I thought!:confused: When Leslie's tested it on 4/2 they said I had a reading of 30 (if that was even accurate). I haven't added any CYA since then. And no, I haven't been using the pucks except for the very first 2 pucks the pool place put in when they got everything going right after it was filled in March (one puck in each skimmer). According to the BleachCalc I should have right around 40 for my CYA reading since I put 9 pounds in after the pool was filled. It's hard to belive a couple of pucks did that to my CYA reading! I stuck my pinky at my belly button and the bottom of the reading tube on top of my pinky, so I'm figuring that was at the right distance to read it since it said "waist level". I figure if I do it that way every time I'll be consistent. I also walked outside onto my back deck with no shade to do the test (it's a very sunny day here...no clouds).

Also I inadvertantly put the water resistant paper to the test. :rolleyes: At some point while I was doing my testing water got all over the counter that I didn't notice until I was putting everything back in the box - I know it wasn't any of the reagents because I put the lids back on them immediately after using them (it might not have been from me...my 5 year old was hoovering about) and got all the papers that came with the kit wet. It didn't effect the water resistant paper at all! :D

Thanks Ben! I'll be looking for my PoolSolutions Test Kit Guide Book in the mail!

04-29-2006, 03:56 PM
Your readings look very good! Enjoy your pool.

04-29-2006, 07:29 PM
Got my kit today as well. One question, though. It asks for one scoop of powder for chlorine test, does that mean those small plastic pieces with the tiny scoops at the end?

My numbers were:

FC: 27 (have been shocking daily to kill white mold; it's dead, too. been gone for several days. Going to let it start to come down. Had no idea it was that high. Worked, though.)
CC: 0
TC: 27
Ph: 7.2
Alkalinity: 150
Cal: 390
CYA: 20

Using pucks to raise CYA. 30,000 inground vinyl pool. Any guestimates on how long it will take to reach 40-50?

04-29-2006, 08:48 PM
Yes - the little scoop is the thing you mentioned.

Chlorine of 27. Wow! How is your vinyl liner doing? That is really high - especially with cya of 20. It may have bleached your liner some. No way to tell how long it will take your cya to come up with the pucks. Just keep an eye on your cya level. Also, the trichlor pucks are very acidic. Your ph is already low. Keep an eye on that as well. Don't want it to drop any lower. By any chance do your trichlor pucks have copper in them? If they do, you might not want to use them. Copper isn't something I would want in my pool. It is actually what causes hair to turn green. You might want to check the ingredients of them.

Also, your calcium is high enough. Don't use any cal-hypo as it will cause it to go higher and you might have problems with cloudy water.

04-29-2006, 11:12 PM
I forgot to add to my original post that I really like Ben's warning labels on the bottles. :) I'm one of "those" people who likes to read labels. :rolleyes:

05-01-2006, 07:34 AM
It was not my intention to get my chlorine level that high.

When I got Ben's test kit, that's where it tested.

With my old drops kit from Wal-Mart, the same water sample tests about 5 ppm. For comparison, I used the similar secondary kit in the PS234 package and it tested off the charts, nearly brown.

So I've been using a faulty kit, evidently. What's also strange is that I just bought new chlorine test bottle from a pool store, so I would expect maybe that bottle was left over from last season.

05-01-2006, 09:37 AM
For those of you who just got your test kit. When did you order it?

05-01-2006, 02:48 PM
We're currently shipping PS234 (no salt test) ordered in March and early April. But, it still looks like we'll have shipped most of the Pre-Orders for PS234 kits by week's end. We keep running into hitches, but so far no show-stoppers.

(I did panic briefly, when I found that Plano sold the last pallet of the boxes we put the kits into. I thought I had my name on them, but I guess not. However, they're telling me the boxes will be on the production line tomorrow, and should be ready to ship Wednesday. I've also had to find a new supplier for the polyester labels we use, but that seems to be worked out as well. )

I hope to also have completed the Pre-Orders for PS234s (salt) kits by Wednesday week. (May 10).

Once we've gotten all the old Pre-Orders completed, I'll put up a regular order page. The Pre-Order page will remain up, however. Just expect a 2 - 3 week delay in shipment if you Pre-Order. W

The way that will probably work out is that if you PRE-ORDER now, you'll get your kit about the same time that you would if you waited to order when I'm able to post a regular order page.


05-03-2006, 01:17 PM
Waaaaaa, :( I didn't get my kit and vac head yet. Good thing I had some leftover reagents from last year to hold me over.

I guess we should all be thankful Ben is so busy, it keeps this site running!

Water looks great so far so I'm not worried.

05-03-2006, 10:02 PM
Happy Again :D The new kit and Vac head came today.

Looks even better than the last kit. Another solid job Ben!