View Full Version : HELP! Tadpoles

07-05-2009, 04:32 PM
We are in Kansas and because of some reasons beyond our control ( and cold rainy weather) we are just today getting enough water in our pool to turn the pump on, though we have had the cover off forever. (Yes I know this is all my fault...but) now we are finding nearly grown tadpoles in our pool. What do we do with them? And does anyone know what to do with the dead ones and live ones that we have in jar?? We don't want to let them stink up the neighborhood. Thanks, I'm going back out to the black water pool now.

07-06-2009, 12:06 PM
If you shock the pool it should kill them off...or you could gather them all in an ice chest or other container and go pour them into a local lake or river. They're going to be much easier to deal with now than when they become frogs!


07-10-2009, 12:31 PM
Thank you for the answer, we caught a ton of them but they died over night so we got rid of those, on Monday I shocked the pool and by Monday evening the pool water was almost clear! And no more tadpoles. We have not seen a dead tadpole now since Tuesday. Yippeee! If it doesn't storm tomorrow I will be vacuuming and then hopefully we can get in next week! It has been an adventure this year! :o)