View Full Version : Wet/Dry Vac to Vacuum Bottom of Spa?

05-17-2009, 06:04 PM
Hi all -

I need a more effective way of vacuuming up the bottom of my spa. I know folks love their Poolbuster's, but a Wet/Dry vac would be usable for other things non-pool related. So I was wondering - does anyone use a Wet/Dry Vac to vacuum up the bottom of their spa? Is there a certain hp rating that would be most useful for use on a spa?


05-17-2009, 08:16 PM
Forget the idea. Even wet/dry vacs don't like the large quantities of water you'll need to handle. With more than a couple gallons in the tank you'll kick up a spray that will get to the motor and soon destroy the bearings if something else doesn't get destroyed first.

05-18-2009, 03:12 PM
Thanks, for your reply! So I guess that idea's out the window. And looks like Pool Busters have also fallen out of favor recently - it's been about a year since I've been active on this forum, and back then, people were crazy about their PBs!

I've never used a pool vac (the ones you attach to one of your skimmers). Is that the state of the art these days then? Is there something I need in my system to be able to support one? I looked at one of my skimmers yesterday, and underneath the basket, there was one hole, which I took to be the suction hole. Do I attach the vacuum to that hole?

05-18-2009, 07:11 PM
Usually there is a circular plate that the hose attaches to then this plate goes in the skimmer. The plate covers the skimmer basket which catches any leaves and large debris before it gets to the pump basket.