View Full Version : Frustrated!

10-27-2008, 11:19 AM
We've had a recurring algae problem (green) for most of August and September. My DE filter keeps not working after I circulate and I have to tear down and hose off and add more DE. Well I'm out of DE and we've had so much going on lately that once again, our pool is filthy dirty and green on the bottom. I vacuumed best I could before my filter was clogged and wouldn't work again (and pool store near me is closed for the season already and I can't find DE anywhere else........HELLLLLLP). The leaves have started to fall (and we have TONS of trees above our pool) so we put the cover on it and said "FORGET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!". Every spring I open to a green pool anyway and have to clean it up (always cleans up very well with lots of vacuuming/bleach), so what is the difference? Our temps are in the 30's overnight already and barely hit 50-60 during the day (NE OHIO). Did I make a HUGE mistake? We haven't drained the water yet (just incase I absolulely must close with a pristinely clean pool), but with everything else that's going on, the pool is pretty low on the priority index. Opinions? :eek:

10-27-2008, 12:32 PM
I wouldn't worry about it....you can't do a proper job of cleaning it up without DE in the filter, so I think it would be a waste of time and money to try to clean it up now if you're ready to cover it for the winter. It won't be any harder to clean it up in the spring than it is now anyway. I'd just get the leaves out, then do whatever prep you normally do in the winter, and concentrate on the pool next year. (Keep in mind when you reopen it that the algae will probably break down whatever CYA you have and convert it to ammonia, so it will take lots and lots of chlorine to clear it, plus an addition of CYA.)


10-30-2008, 01:11 PM
Thank you, Janet! You took a huge load off my shoulders. I kept thinking "I really need to get that pool clean before I cover it". Now I'm just going to drain the water down, maybe throw some bleach in and circulate for good measure and cover it up. I'll probably try to open it early this year before the temps get too high and clean it up so that the water doesn't heat up too much. It's easier to clean with cool water, right? (less algae growth). Thanks again!