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View Full Version : How much salt will I need to add..

04-27-2006, 05:10 PM
Doing a replaster on the pool and will convert to a SWG at the same time. 21K gallon pool. About how much salt will I need to add in the beggining?

and can I just use the salt pelets I see at Home Depot for the soft water systems?

The Pool Newbie
04-27-2006, 05:48 PM
Doing a replaster on the pool and will convert to a SWG at the same time. 21K gallon pool. About how much salt will I need to add in the beggining?

and can I just use the salt pelets I see at Home Depot for the soft water systems?

I would look for the granular salt for water softners and pools... Blue bag at home depot... about $4-5 a bag... It will dilute a LOT faster and I actually just sucked it up with my vacuum a little at the time and ran it though my system...Pellets may hurt the new plaster just sitting on the bottom... Maybe... Maybe not... Either way the granular will be diluted a lot quicker... For a 25K pool it would take about 600lbs to go from 0ppm... and about 400lbs to get from 1000ppm...May need to take a measurement up front to determine where you are starting from if your SWG doesn't give you a reading... If you are using something like an Autopilot it will tell you how much to add! Good luck!


The Pool Newbie
04-27-2006, 07:15 PM
I would look for the granular salt for water softners and pools... Blue bag at home depot... about $4-5 a bag... It will dilute a LOT faster and I actually just sucked it up with my vacuum a little at the time and ran it though my system...Pellets may hurt the new plaster just sitting on the bottom... Maybe... Maybe not... Either way the granular will be diluted a lot quicker... For a 25K pool it would take about 600lbs to go from 0ppm... and about 400lbs to get from 1000ppm...May need to take a measurement up front to determine where you are starting from if your SWG doesn't give you a reading... If you are using something like an Autopilot it will tell you how much to add! Good luck!


Oopppsss. You DID say 21K didn't you! Then it is about 500lbs from 0ppm and about 325lbs from 1000ppm... Sorry about that!


04-27-2006, 07:19 PM
Gracias. 3000 -3300ppm is my goal , correct ?

The Pool Newbie
04-27-2006, 10:24 PM
Gracias. 3000 -3300ppm is my goal , correct ?

That would be a yes sir!


04-27-2006, 11:04 PM
You can also use my BleachCalc, it has a salt calcs section. just click on "more calcs".
