View Full Version : CYA correction to TA reading? Taylor says yes!

05-22-2008, 09:11 PM
Got my Taylor K-2006 kit. On page 14 of their Water Chem brochure it says that the CYA portion of alkalinity should be deducted from the measured TA.
This correction becomes more significant with higher concentration of CYA. Thus, with my CYA of 60, I have to
take 20 off my TA reading.
They also write on that page that "some members of the pool/spa industry question the value of this correction".

Any thoughts?

05-23-2008, 01:46 AM
The correction for CYA does not have a great impact on TA when CYA is in the normal 30-50 ppm range, It work out to about 10-15 ppm. Considering the precsion of the TA test is +/- 10 ppm it really is inconsequential. Even at the higher CYA levels recommended for SWGs the amount of error has no great impact. Only when CYA levels become excessive does the correction for CYA become important and at that point the high CYA is the major problem that needs to be addressed.